
Take Action to Support GI Resistance and GI Rights Dec. 8-10th!

Military resisters, their families, veterans and concerned community members call for public action Dec. 8-10th!

"All my fellow resisters in Canada and the U.S...We have to stay strong and stand our ground. Because if we keep speaking the truth and stand up for what's right we will always be free inside." -Darrell Anderson

It's time for us to escalate public pressure and action in support of the growing movement of thousands of courageous men and women GI’s who have in many different ways followed the their conscience, upholding international law, taking a principled stand against unjust, illegal war and occupation and stood up for their rights.

Widespread public support and pressure will help create true support for courageous troops facing isolation and repression, and help protect their civil liberties and human rights.

Your participation in these days of action—and beyond-- is crucial to realizing these goals: together, we do have the power to end this war and prevent the next one. As the antiwar movement builds its support for these brave people and their important actions, we hope more will take a stand if we show them they won't be alone.

Those of us outside the military must match their bravery by escalating our support for all GI resisters. They've got to know we're out here for them!

We urge you to join us December 8-10th for a weekend of action in support of GI Resistance and GI Rights!

We ask that you to begin mobilizing your group, community and networks now. As well as educating your organization’s members, please consider hosting one or more public events to help raise awareness and build support.


Partial list of participating groups and individuals:
  • Courage to Resist
  • War Resisters Support Campaign
  • Gold Star Families for Peace
  • Bob Watada and Rosa Sakanishi, father and step-mother of Lt. Ehren Watada
  • Darrell Anderson, Iraq veteran and war resister
  • Stephan Funk, former marine and first resister of Iraq war
  • DeDe Miller, Gold Star Families for Peace
  • Anita Dennis, mother of resister Darrell Anderson
  • Jeff Paterson, former marine and first resister Gulf War I
  • Sara Rich M.S.W., mother of Spc. Suzanne Swift
  • Edward Hasbrouck, draft resister
  • Gerry Condon, Vietnam war resister

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