
dao learning

Chinese characters for "learning"

warm breeze blows as small boat glides across glistening pond

Learning is the fountain of youth.
No matter how old you are,

You mustn’t stop growing.

Don’t think that creativity is only for artists, writers, and musicians. Creativity is an essential element for everyone. Unlike the outer-directed creativity of making art, solving problems, or writing, the creativity that everyone can engage in is learning.

As long as we continue to learn, welcome new ideas and ways of doing things, and continually expand our understanding of ourselves and the world around us, then we are engaging in the ultimate creativity of the self.

If one looks carefully at those seniors who are ongoing and vital participants in life, one will see that a common habit is continuous learning and interest. These seniors are not the same as they were in their youth. They have found new ways of learning and acting.

As we enter each new phase of our lives, the parameters change. If we are sixty, we cannot do the same activities that we did as teenagers. Therefore , we need to revamp ourselves according to our situation. That continuing act of creativity keeps us young.

365 Tao
daily meditations
Deng Ming-Dao (author)
ISBN 0-06-250223-9
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Chinese characters for "four seasons of summer"
The four seasons of Summer 1954
by Fu Bao Shi

**Suggested reading of daoist texts ancient poetry and contemporary Chinese literature is available at the site.
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